
Biofeedback Neurofeedback

What Is Neurofeedback? 

 Neurofeedback is a drugless noninvasive procedure designed to correct brainwave dysregulation.

The brain is monitored by sensors that are placed on the head while the patient is being stimulated by a game, movie/tv show, or any other visual or auditory stimulant. Data is collected and analyzed to determine the concentration of the patient. When the correct brainwaves are emitted the feeback becomes positive, ie. the screen becomes brighter or audio gets louder. When incorrect brainwaves are emitted the feedback is negative, ie. there is no sound on a video or it pauses. The brain learns over time to correct itself so it can be rewarded with the positive feedback. 

Benefits of Neurofeedback 

This noninvasive treatment can help patients with migraine, insomnia, different levels of anxiety, autism, learning disorders, or ADD/ADHD. The more you train your brain to produce the correct waves, the better your mind and body operate optimally . 

By restoring a better balance of brainwaves in various parts of the brain Neurofeedback allows a patient to work through these behaviors calmly and better than before. 

What is Biofeedback?

Biofeedback is a noninvasive treatment that teaches people to control bodily functions such as breathing and muscle tension which can help reduce pain and stress. This goal is attained by developing new ways to focus on your body and learn how it reacts so that in future scenarios you can control it. 

Benefits of Biofeedback

Biofeedback has many benefits. By regulating out body's responses we can minimize stress responses and its negative repercussions. In HeartRate Variability, a form of biofeedback, achieving coherence supports the body's natural regerative process. This benefits the body both physically by increasing energy and promotes immune system response and/or emotionally, with redirecting behaviors that drain energy or detract quality of life. Biofeedback is also used to enhance performance by shifting the body into a state of optimal function. 

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